Many business and homeowners rely on safes for protection and security for their valuables. The safes themselves rely on a safe locksmith to keep everything working smoothly. Many safes should be maintained once a year or more often if used frequently. Having a safe locksmith from A-Locksmith-Craig look at and maintain your safe is a great way to save money. It is much easier to service and repair a safe while the door is open rather than having to drill the safe to get it open. If, however, the safe is locked closed, we can open locked safes, we can change the combination, or we can even upgrade your safe to a digital lock. Don’t like your digital lock? Do you want the dependence of a mechanical ‘tumbler’ lock? A-Locksmith-Craig can install a traditional dial lock in most safes. We provide a professional safe opening, safe repair, safe drilling and safe-cracking service. If you need a safe locksmith, A-Locksmith-Craig is the place for you.
Open Locked Safe / Safe Opening
A-Locksmith-Craig can open your locked safe. If you’ve lost the combination or the combination you have doesn’t work, we can help. We open all sorts of safes from small fire safes to large banker safes & vaults.
Safe Combination Changes
Has an employee left with the combination to your safe? It is best practice to change the combination every time an employee with the combo leaves the business or every year at least. This helps prevent people from exhaustively finding out the code when they have one or more numbers already. Stay safe and keep the combination fresh and have the safe looked at every year so call A-Locksmith-Craig.
Safe Maintenance
Safes can fail, like anything mechanical or electrical item. The problem with safes is that if you don’t maintain your safe with the safe is still working, the cost of opening once it fails can exponentially grow. The reason for this, is it’s much easier to diagnose a problem with a safe when the door is functioning and able to open. Accessing the parts in the door to repair is much easier if the technician already has the door open. If you wait till the door is locked shut, the technician will have to open the safe, repair any damage the method of opening caused, and then maintain and/or repair the safe lock components.